J. Mater. Sci. Technol. ›› 2021, Vol. 64: 99-113.DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2020.06.031
• Research Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
Pan Liua, Qinhao Zhanga, Xinran Lib, Jiming Hua,*(), Fahe Caob,*()
Jiming Hu,Fahe Cao
About author:
caofh5@mail.sysu.edu.cn (F. Cao).Pan Liu, Qinhao Zhang, Xinran Li, Jiming Hu, Fahe Cao. Insight into the triggering effect of (Al, Mg, Ca, Mn)-oxy-sulfide inclusions on localized corrosion of weathering steel[J]. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2021, 64: 99-113.
Fig. 1. SEM images of (a) WS after etching treatment and (b) the fine microstructure (ferrite phase, pearlite phase and grain boundaries) under high magnification.
Fig. 3. (a, b) Morphologies of the representative inclusions with or without interstice and (a1-a7, b1-b7) its corresponding elemental distribution results as well as (a8, b8) sketch maps of target inclusions.
Fig. 4. (a) SEM images of the target inclusions in a selected area and (b) the partial images under higher magnification as well as (c) its corresponding elemental analysis results by EDS line scan. (d) AFM topography maps and (e) the corresponding Volta potential map of the selected target inclusions (this region is the same as the region of image (b)). (f) Height line map and Volta potential map based on sweep analysis results of (d) and (e).
Fig. 5. SEM images of (a, d) the target inclusions with (b, e) its’ enlarged view (top right corner) (a, b) before immersion test and (d, e) after 5 min immersion test. (c) Corresponding line scan results of elemental analysis of the target inclusions before immersion test and (e1-e7) elemental distributions of the residual inclusions after 5 min immersion test. The same regional 3D profiles (f) and 2D images (g) after 5 min immersion test. (h) Height line map drawn from sectional profile tagged by (g) black line.
Fig. 6. SEM images of (a, d) the target inclusions with (b, e) its’ enlarged view (top right corner) (a, b) before immersion test and (d, e) after 20 min immersion test. (c) Corresponding line scan results of elemental analysis of the target inclusions before immersion test and (e1-e7) elemental distributions of the residual inclusions after 20 min immersion test. The same regional 3D profiles (f) and 2D images (g) after 20 min immersion test. (h) Height line map drawn from sectional profile tagged by (g) black line.
Fig. 7. SEM images of (a, d) the target inclusions with (b, e) its’ enlarged view (top right corner) (a, b) before immersion test and (d, e) after 120 min immersion test. (c) Corresponding line scan results of elemental analysis of the target inclusions before immersion test and (e1-e7) elemental distributions of the residual inclusions after 120 min immersion test. The same regional 3D profiles (f) and 2D images (g) after 120 min immersion test. (h) Height line map drawn from sectional profile tagged by (g) black line.
Fig. 8. SEM images of (a, d) the target inclusions with (b, e) its’ enlarged view (top right corner) (a, b) before immersion test and (d, e) after 240 min immersion test. (c) Corresponding line scan results of elemental analysis of the target inclusions before immersion test and (e1-e7) elemental distributions of the residual inclusions after 240 min immersion test. The same regional 3D profiles (f) and 2D images (g) after 240 min immersion test. (h) Height line map drawn from sectional profile tagged by (g) black line.
Fig. 9. SEM images of (a) the target inclusions with (b) its’ enlarged view (top right corner) before immersion test. (d) Surface topography images of WS after 360 min immersion test and (e, f) two typical features of inclusion after immersion (not the same location as the selected target inclusion). (c) Corresponding line scan results of elemental analysis of target inclusions before immersion test and (f1-f7) elemental distributions of the residual inclusions after 360 min immersion test (not the same location as the selected target inclusion). The 3D profiles (g) and 2D images (h) of surface topography after 360 min immersion test. (i) Height line map drawn from sectional profile tagged by (h) black line. (j) Cross-sectional results of WS after immersion for 360 min.
Fig. 10. SEM images of the selected observing region (a) before immersion test and (b) after 1440 min immersion test. Surface morphologic 3D profiles (c) and 2D images (d) after 1440 min immersion test. (e) Height line map drawn from sectional profile tagged by (d) black line.
Fig. 11. Evolution map of maximum depth (marked with blue circle) and average depth (marked with red circle) around the target inclusions or selected region with immersion time. Number 1, 2 and 3 represent three stages of average depth and maximum depth with immersion time.
Fig. 12. SEM images of (a) the selected observing region and (b) the selected target inclusions. (c) Corresponding line scan results of elemental analysis of target inclusions. (d) AFM topography map and (e) corresponding conductive map of the selected target inclusions by applying potential of +5.0 V to probe tip. (f) Results of line profile analysis based on conductive map of the selected target inclusions.
Fig. 13. (a) SEM images of the selected target inclusions after ion etching treatment with (b) corresponding elemental analysis results. (c) Surface normal-projected IPF orientation map and (d) the same regional KAM maps.
Fig. 14. Mechanism of corrosion evolution of (Al, Mg, Ca, Mn)-oxy-sulfide inclusions and metal matrix around inclusions in condition of aggressive environments merely containing Cl-. Varied colorful polygons represent grains with different misorientations. The polygons are not the real shape of grains.
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