J. Mater. Sci. Technol. ›› 2021, Vol. 60: 162-167.DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2020.05.027
• Research Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
L.Y. Zhaoa,b, H. Yana,*(), R.S. Chena,*(), En-Hou Hana
H. Yan,R.S. Chen
L.Y. Zhao, H. Yan, R.S. Chen, En-Hou Han. Orientations of nuclei during static recrystallization in a cold-rolled Mg-Zn-Gd alloy[J]. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2021, 60: 162-167.
Fig. 1. The quasi-in-situ formation of CSRX nuclei which have similar orientations to their parent grain: (a) the IPF map displaying formation process of CSRX nuclei N1-N2, (b) (0002) PF together with 3D structure of nuclei N1-N2 and the parent p1, p3, (c) the misorientation between N1-N2 and corresponding parent grain where misorientation axes marked as A1-A3, (d) A1-A3 indicated in the hcp coordinate system. (P, p, N and G represent the parent grain, small part of the parent, nucleus and pre-formed grains, respectively).
Fig. 2. The quasi-in-situ formation of IG-DSRX nuclei which have random orientations and misorientation angles but preferred misorientation axis around [$\overline {52}$73] or [$\overline {52}$70] with respect to the parent grain: (a) the IPF map displaying formation process of IG-DSRX nuclei N1-N10, (b) (0002) PF sheet together with 3D structure of nuclei N1-N10 and the parent grain P (including p1-p6), (c) the misorientation between N1-N10 and corresponding parent grain where misorientation axes marked as A1-A10, (d) A1-A10 indicated in the hcp coordinate system.
Fig. 3. The quasi-in-situ formation of GB-DSRX nuclei which have concentrated orientation and special misorientation relationship relative to the parent grain indicating ON tendency: (a) the IPF map displaying formation process of GB-DSRX nuclei N1-N5, (b) (0002) PF sheet together with 3D structure of nuclei N1-N5 and the parent p1, p4, (c) the misorientation angle and axis between N1-N5 and P together with the angle between the misorientation axes A1-A5 and reference axis [$\overline 2$110], (d) A1-A5 indicated in the hcp coordinate system, (e) the schematic displaying that the crystal of p4 rotates 71.23° around [$\overline 5$140] to form N1.
Fig. 4. The schematic of crystal rotation of nuclei with respect to the parent grain: (a-c) CSRX nuclei formed by rotating 30° around [0001], (d, e) IG-DSRX nuclei formed by rotating any angle around [7$\overline {25}$0] and [$\overline 5$7$\overline 2$3], (f) GB-DSRX nuclei formed by rotating 70.53° around [11$\overline 2$0]. The orange and grey 3D crystal structure represents the parent grain and nucleus, respectively.
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