Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 51(0): 63-69 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2020.02.043

Research Article

Role of competing interactions on dynamic relaxation and exchange bias in spin-glass/ferromagnet bilayer

Xiaodan Chia, Yong Hu,a,b,*

a Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819, China

b State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819, China

Corresponding authors: Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819, Hu)

Received: 2019-12-6   Accepted: 2020-02-7   Online: 2020-08-15


When a ferromagnet (FM) couples to a spin glass (SG), the hidden nature of SG may imprint on the FM via their interfacial coupling, probably resulting in elongated magnetic relaxation and enhanced unidirectional and uniaxial anisotropies. In parallel with the study of interfacial roles, e.g. interfacial coupling and matching, we focused on the influence of the competing interactions in SG (JSG) on the magnetic relaxation properties of SG/FM bilayer and the FM magnetization reversal involving exchange bias field (HE) and coercivity (HC). A fastest decay of relaxation in SG/FM bilayer is found at an intermediate JSG∼5.2 erg/cm 2 and the relaxation parameters related to JSG are nonmonotonic. On the other hand, a pronounced HE of ∼-0.26 kOe is observed at small JSG, and as JSG increases larger than 2.275 erg/cm 2, HE decreases by an order of magnitude and levels off, i.e., a net EB remains. HC is sensitive to JSG only at JSG above 2.275 erg/cm 2 and exhibits a minimum value at JSG = 4.55 erg/cm 2, just below 5.2 erg/cm 2 where the relaxation decay is the fastest. Microscopic analysis unravels that the net magnetization associated with unidirectional magnetic stabilization and the large-area FM-like domains in SG are favored at small JSG, while with increasing JSG, the SG spins spontaneously reverse and thus the energy barriers are smeared out. A high susceptibility and a strong interfacial coupling lead to FM magnetization reversal under weaker fields and thus a decrease in coercivity. For too large JSG (exceeding 5.2 erg/cm 2), magnetic frustration extends over the domains in SG meanwhile fierce energy competition occurs frequently, resembling enhanced quantum fluctuations. As a result, dynamic relaxation and statistic coercivity are both recovered. This work tells us that the independent modulations of unidirectional and uniaxial anisotropies are possible in SG-based systems through precisely controlling JSG, which is desired for application in the read/write head in future data storage media.

Keywords: Spin glass ; Competing interaction ; Magnetic relaxation ; Exchange bias ; Coercivity ; Monte Carlo simulation

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Xiaodan Chi, Yong Hu. Role of competing interactions on dynamic relaxation and exchange bias in spin-glass/ferromagnet bilayer. Journal of Materials Science & Technology[J], 2020, 51(0): 63-69 DOI:10.1016/j.jmst.2020.02.043

1. Introduction

Spin glass (SG) is commonly formed in noble metals weakly doped with 3d transition metal such as AuFe, CuMn, AgMn [[1], [2], [3]], Ni-Mn-X (X = In, Sn, Sb) Heusler alloys [[4], [5], [6]] and perovskite structure compounds such as Sr3NiSb2O9 [7], Ln3Ni2RuO9 (Ln = La, Nd) [8], Ba0.8Sr0.2FeO2.81 [9]. Signifacantly, the SG state, distinct from a series of materials with magnetic symmetries which allow to access to physical insights and mathematical simplifications [10], characterizes quenched magnetic disorder, where spin-spin interactions between magnetic ions are either positive or negative [11,12]. Thus there is no obvious long-range order, accompanied by nonobvious phase transitions and broken symmetries [[10], [11], [12]]. Moreover, frustration as another central ingredient in SG is commonly caused and enhanced by increasing competing interactions [12,13]. So far, many experimental reports as we know have revealed the SG state induced by competing interactions. In Ni-Mn-X (X=In, Sn, Sb) [[4], [5], [6]], one has suggested that exchange interactions between Mn atoms can be modulated by tuning the composition and element doping due to displacement of moments and/or change of moment separations [[14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]], resulting in metamagnetic phase transitions into so-called reentrant SG state with decreasing temperature. Ln3Ni2RuO9 (Ln = La, Nd) oxides show a SG behavior down to 2 K, which reveals the importance of competing nearest-neighbor, next-nearest-neighbor and third-nearest-neighbor interactions between the magnetic Ni2+ and Ru5+ ions [8]. Similarly, Ba0.8Sr0.2FeO2.81 oxides are featured by SG state arising from the competition between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions. Moreover, the competing interactions also give rise to a remarkable exchange bias (EB) effect [9]. Therefore, in order to understand the nature of SG well, the competing interaction is of vital importance. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, a precise control of the magnetic properties, especially the dynamic aspect by competing interactions in SG, is still challenging experimentally and thus experimental and theoretical studies are both scarce to some extent.

A prominent phenomenon accompanied by the occurrence of SG is EB. Using EB one enables the manufacture of multifunctional devices with strongly correlated electronic materials [22], which has drawn considerable attention and extensively investigated. Intriguingly, EB can be as a characterization tool to reveal many hidden properties in SG. For example, Li et al. [12] studied the SG irreversibility temperature and found the magnetic stabilization in SG/FM bilayer from low-temperature EB plateau. Furthermore, EB field (HE) and coercivity (HC) are switchable, opening an opportunity to design temperature (T)-controlled write-to-read switches. Rui et al. [23] reported cooling-field (Hcool) and T dependent HE and HC in FeAu/FeNi bilayer, and revealed that the SG/FM interface rather than a single SG layer is responsible for the crucial EB properties. In the same FeAu/FeNi bilayer, Chi et al. [2] demonstrated the influence of SG dynamic properties on training effect and a nonzero shifting coefficient in the time index exists in SG. Besides extrinsic factors, e.g. T and Hcool, the intrinsic factors of SG should also determine SG properties by distinct manners, just as presented in our previous paper [11] where SG properties can be tunable at will by precisely controlling magnetic parameters such as SG anisotropy (KSG) and interfacial exchange coupling (JIF). Meanwhile, the collective effect in SG originates from exchange couplings (JSG) between ions and contributes to dynamic relaxation properties. Therefore, it is acceptable that the magnetization reversal may depend on JSG as well in SG/ FM bilayer. Further, the demonstration of role of JSG on EB is required to enrich our understanding of relationship between SG and EB, where SG properties may also be well shown.

In this work, we numerically studied the influence of JSG on dynamic relaxation and EB in SG/FM bilayer. At first, various critical temperatures from ZFC/FC curves depend on JSG, where superparamagnetic blocking and glassy frozen temperatures are identified to confirm existence of SG. Further, it is found that the relaxation related to JSG is nonmonotonic. For HE and HC, strong controllability by JSG is activated in different ranges of JSG, which was unambiguously interpreted by results of microscopic net magnetization, spin textures and spin rotatabilities at the SG/FM interface. Referring to real nanocomposite materials, nonmagnetic defects may also exist inevitably and thus finally their role is discussed briefly.

2. Model and Monte Carlo method

On an atomic scale, it is acceptable that coarse-grained bilayer is simulated by placing spins on the nodes of a simple cubic lattice. A lateral dimension of 40 × 40 spins in a monolayer is used, with periodic boundary conditions in the film plane (set by the xy plane), while open boundary conditions along the z axis. Actually, a larger size (200 × 200 spins) was also used to confirm that finite-size effects have been minimized. Using the size scaling approach reported in our previous work [11], a 36 nm-thickness SG layer represented by 6 monolayers is coupled to a 6 nm-thickness FM layer, which is modeled by a monolayer. Simulations are performed on a Heisenberg model under an external magnetic field (H), and the Hamiltonian can be written as

where Si(j) is unit vector of moment spin i(j). The exchange, anisotropy, and Zeeman energy terms are considered in Eq. (1), where the magnetic parameters have been discussed elsewhere [11] and thus set by JFM = 6.53 erg/cm2, KFM = 5 × 105 erg/cm3, JIF=JFM/2 and KSG = 3.47 × 104 erg/cm3. It is worthwhile to note that the short-range ‘±J’ model is applied to represent SG [24], and remarkably, “±” signs are taken with equal FM and AFM probabilities. Meanwhile, the magnitude of JSG is changeable from 0.325 to 5.85 erg/cm2. Furthermore, 10% nonmagnetic doping may be introduced to discuss its role. To highlight the SG feature, a bilayer model with the SG layer replaced by an AFM layer is also used for comparison. Finally, H is applied along x axis, and magnetic moment value is μFM=μSG=μAF = 2.2μB, where μB is Bohr magneton, equal to iron’s.

The simulation process mimics the experimental protocol. Initially, the magnetic state in SG is disordered, while saturated along the easy axis in FM. Then, the SG/FM system is cooled under a field of Hcool = 200 Oe from an initial temperature (T0 = 1000 K) to a target temperature (T = 10 K) with a step of ΔT=-10 K. Subsequently, an isothermal magnetization is recorded by cycling field between -1 and 1 kOe with a step of |ΔH| = 10 Oe to extract HE and HC. A modified Monte Carlo Metropolis method is used [11,12] to update spin states and all the spin energies are calculated exactly in a Monte Carlo step (mcs, i.e., simulation time). Finally, at a field or a temperature variation, 12,000 mcs are executed where the initial 10,000 steps are discarded to equilibrate system and the last 2000 steps are used to average magnetic energy and magnetization quantities. This sweep rate is slow enough to guarantee quasi-equilibrium to obtain convincing simulation results.

3. Results and discussion

Magnetization curves in SG/FM bilayer with selected JSG are measured as a function of temperature (M-T) to grasp SG magnetic properties, as shown in Fig. 1(a-c). Herein, the M-T curves are performed under field-cooling (MFC) and zero-field-cooling (MZFC) at the temperature range 0.0001<T/TC<2.0 under an applied magnetic field (200 Oe). It clearly shows that a complete transition is observed within the whole temperature range, which is characterized as the typical temperatures TC and Tg. Previously, the similar typical temperatures have also been found elsewhere [25], where they are defined as the minimum of the T derivative of MFC. Therefore, TC is an obvious transition temperature from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic order in bilayer. With decreasing T, JIF and H take effect and favor SG spins aligning with H, meanwhile, KSG-driven energy barriers increase, leading to a sharp increase of M at a critical T, designated by Tg. Thus, Tg depends on interactions and resembles a transition temperature from a globally disordered state to an axially disordered state. Note that two states are both blocked, which has been studied in our previous literature [11]. With further decreasing T, MFC and MZFC exhibit a pronounced bifurcation, followed by a peak of MZFC at T/TC = 0.041, 0.03 or 0.015, defined as TMAXZFC, depending on JSG. This phenomenon has been reported many times [18,26,27], implying the coexistence of disorder and frustration associating with typical SG character. And then, another hallmark signature of glassy behavior, MFC shows a minimum or independent of T at low T [28] (seen in Fig. 1(a) and (b)). Nevertheless, it does not occur for large JSG = 4.55 erg/cm2 as shown in Fig. 1(c), supporting a disappearance of SG. However, in our simulation results of microscopic spin configurations presented later, it will be found that spin orientation randomness and frustration remain; on the contrary, dynamic properties are changed by JSG to show a pseudo non-SG MFC behavior.

Fig. 1.   (a-c) ZFC/FC magnetization as a function of temperature in the low temperature range at selected JSG under H = 200 Oe, and the complete curves in the studied temperature range are also shown in insets. (d) FM TC, SG Tg, TMAXZFC and superparamagnetic blocking <TB> in SG/FM bilayer as a function of JSG.

Various critical temperatures are extracted and summarized from ZFC/FC curves at selected JSG, and Fig. 1(d) depicts the JSG dependence of TC, Tg and TMAXZFC, where TCFM is the Curie temperature of single FM layer. TC of the FM coupled to SG is slightly smaller than that without SG while shows an increase with elevating JSG. Apparently, the stronger is the ferromagnetic order, is the higher the energy of JSG. Competing JSG deteriorates the domain structure in SG, and as a result, Tg decreases with increasing JSG. It is noted that the TMAXZFC corresponding to SG freezing also shows a downward trend with increasing JSG, indicating that a strong frustration may activate KSG-driven blocking state at a given temperature intrinsically. Besides, another important temperature is the averaged blocking temperature <TB>, which is estimated from the peak temperature in the curves of -d(MFC-MZFC)/dT vs. temperature [29]. Clearly, a transition from blocked to superparamagnetic state occurs at <TB>, which was also studied systematically in our previous paper [12]. <TB> is suppressed with increasing JSG from 2 to 4.55 erg/cm2; otherwise there is roughly no change of <TB> with JSG to be observed.

To further demonstrate SG properties, we study the dynamic magnetic relaxation. The time dependent magnetization measurements [[30], [31], [32]] are conducted in the FC mode at 10 K with different values of JSG. The following procedure is adopted. Firstly, the system is cooled from 1000 K to 10 K under FC conditions with a 2 kOe field. Then, the magnetic field is turned off when the temperature reaches 10 K, and subsequently the magnetization decay with the time is measured for 1000 mcs. Remnant magnetization as a function of time depending on JSG is recorded, as seen in Fig. 2(a). Generally, the SG relaxation follows a power-law decay as(2)M(t)=M0t-βwhere M0 and β are fitting parameters; M0 is the initial magnetization with t = 0 and β is the decay parameter directly correlating with the decay rate [33]. It is clearly found from Fig. 2(a) that the SG magnetic relaxation of the system can be fitted well with the power law (red lines), and the obtained decay in magnetization is a distinct feature of the SG dynamics [[30], [31], [32]].

Fig. 2.   (a) Magnetization as a function of time at T = 10 K after field cooling under H = 2 kOe at selected JSG. (b) M0 and (c) β obtained through fitting Eq. (2) in the text as a function of JSG.

Furthermore, JSG dependences of fitting parameters M0 and β are extracted and depicted in Fig. 2(b) and (c). Notably, at JSG<2.6 erg/cm2, the dynamic relaxation behaviors relying on JSG disappear along with M0/MS∼1.0 and β∼0 all the time, which are omitted in Fig. 2(b) and (c). From the fitting parameters, one can observe that M0 decreases with increasing JSG initially, indicating magnetization of the SG with strong frustration is far from saturation and not stabilized, which is coincident with ZFC-FC curves. As for the increasing of JSG from 5.22 erg/cm2, the system begins easily to be magnetized with the increase in M0. In addition, β is opposite to the trend of M0, which can be understood that due to the competing interaction along with strong frustration, M is bound to reach the minimum at the fastest speed after removing H. It is noted that both in ZFC-FC curves and magnetic relaxation results, the SG with large JSG is different from the common SG state, which will be discussed later.

Next, the M-H curve measured at 10 K after field cooling under Hcool (200 Oe) (seen in Fig. 3(a) and (b)) shows clear hysteresis. Meanwhile, a percentage p = 10% nonmagnetic doping in SG is introduced to study its effect. For undoped SG (Fig. 3(a)), descending branch shifts to the positive H direction with increasing JSG initially, and then return to negative upon JSG = 4.55 erg/cm2. By contrast, the behavior seems more complicated for ascending branch, i.e. with increasing JSG, the branch moves along rightwards-leftwards-rightwards. As a whole, the hysteresis loop moves towards a negative direction along the H axis, implying appearance of a negative EB. For doped SG (in Fig. 3(b)), apparently, with increasing JSG from 3.25 to 4.55 erg/cm2, the trend of descending branch is found to be similar to that in Fig. 3(a), while it is different from Fig. 3(a) for ascending branch, accompanying with a unidirectional shift. Significantly, the width of hysteresis loop observed in doped SG is larger than that of undoped SG.

Fig. 3.   Hysteresis loops at T = 10 K after field cooling under H = 200 Oe in (a) undoped and (b) doped SG/FM bilayer with selected JSG, where arrows indicate the movement of the curves at descending and ascending branches with JSG. (c) HE and (d) HC as a function of JSG in SG/FM or AFM/FM bilayer, and vertical dashed line is used to indicate a clear boundary between two JSG ranges where pronounced HE (at small JSG) and reduced HC (at large JSG) in SG/FM bilayer are observed, respectively.

A further investigation has been made to study HE and HC, which are evaluated using HE=(HC2+HC1)/2 and HC=(HC2-HC1)/2, where HC2 and HC1 are coercive fields of ascending and descending branch at which M goes to zero, respectively. Fig. 3(c) and (d) shows the HE and HC results as a function of JSG in undoped and doped SG/FM bilayer, along with the results in the AFM/FM bilayer (gray lines) for comparison. Interestingly, the JSG can be divided into two intervals, one of which at low JSG only affects HE and the other at large JSG just works on HC. That is to say, while an evident decrease in HE with elevating JSG from 0.65 to 2.275 erg/cm2 is observed, HC remains unchanged and roughly approaches to that in AFM/FM bilayer. Compared with AFM/FM bilayer, an enhancement of HE is observed in SG/FM bilayer; at the lowest JSGHE in SG/FM is nearly threefold larger than that in AFM/FM bilayer. Small oscillations appear in HC from JSG = 0.65 to 2.275 erg/cm2, which may be caused by randomly pinning in closely degenerate energies at low temperatures, resembling small quantum fluctuations. Additionally, it is clear that the doping has no effects on either HE or HC in this case. Furthermore, in the JSG range from 2.275 to 5.85 erg/cm2, HC behaves nonmonotonically with a valley value at JSG = 4.55 erg/cm2 in undoped SG and 3.9 erg/cm2 in doped SG, while a quite small and constant HE (nonzero) is also observed. In contrast, HC is still constant as large as those at small JSG and HE has decreased down to zero in AFM/FM bilayer. HE in doped SG/FM bilayer also remains nonzero at large JSG while the valley value of HC is somewhat recovered. Herein, from the viewpoint of technological application, JSG = 2.275 erg/cm2 in the spintronic devices of SG/FM bilayer is an analog to a switch of operation, below which only HE is adjustable and above which HC can be regulated, and doping merely quantitatively rather than qualitatively changes this property.

Finally, we have studied microscopically the net magnetization (Mnet@IF), the spin textures and spin rotatability (SRI) at the SG/FM interface. The definition to spin rotatability has been presented elsewhere [3]. On one hand, as shown in Fig. 4(a), when increasing JSG, the net magnetization at the interface decreases, designating that the unidirectional magnetic stabilization may become weakened. Meanwhile, the FM-like domains in SG (i.e. orange area in Fig. 4(a)) are broken into small pieces by AFM bonds, which can lead to the weaker domain-wall pinning ability at the interface. That is to say, the decreasing net magnetization and smaller-area domains may both determine the decreasing HE with lifting JSG. Duo to the stronger frustration with the increase in JSG, the competition interaction between FM and AFM orders is enhanced; as a result, it is easy for spins in the vicinity to form small-area domains in SG. Nevertheless, for sufficiently large JSG (JSG>2.275 erg/cm2), the spins in SG are natural to form smaller-area domains (like FM clusters), which may spontaneously reverse and thus the energy barriers are probably smeared out, leading to a faint ability in domain-wall pinning along with a feeble HE. On the other hand, the spins at the interface are either frozen or rotatable subsequent to magnetic-field application, where it is considered that the constant HC may derive from the constant SRI (not shown here) as JSG<2.275 erg/cm2, though the areas of domains get smaller. In addition, although SRI still keeps constant upon JSG>2.275 erg/cm2, small-area domains in SG may support the decrease of HC. It indicates that the domains in SG are too small to pin FM spins of FM layers during magnetization reversal, and some smaller-area domains (like FM clusters) may even drag spins of the FM layer to rotate together. That is to say, before JSG = 4.55 erg/cm2, a high susceptibility and a strong interfacial coupling may lead to FM magnetization reversal in the FM layer under weaker fields and thus a decrease in coercivity. Besides, combining the special change trend from JSG = 4.55 erg/cm2 in the ZFC-FC curves and dynamic relaxation, the re-increased HC should be related to another physical mechanism. Therefore, SRI as a function of H at JSG = 4.55 and 5.85 erg/cm2 are plotted in Fig. 4(b) and the increased SRI may make a contribution to enhance HC for too large JSG. It indicates that magnetic frustration may extend over FM-like domains in SG meanwhile fierce energy competition occurs frequently, resembling enhanced quantum fluctuations. As a result, HC is recovered. Nevertheless, as a result of the absence of the competition between FM and AFM order in the interfacial AFM layer, the pinning ability just stems from AFM spins rather than domains. Thus, a small HE appears in AFM/FM bilayer at JSG<2.275 erg/cm2, together with the disappearance of HE and constant HC at JSG>2.275 erg/cm2. Finally, the behavior associated with dependences of HE on JSG is nearly unchanged even if the SG is doped, exhibiting the feeble differences between the undoped and doped SG in net magnetization. However, the doping seems to have an effect on HC at large JSG, accompanied by the recovery of HC. Compared with Fig. 4(b) and (c), the recovery of HC is likely due to the decrement of SRI in doped SG. HC is commonly determined by the density of pinning sites, such as doping or defects, which control the nucleation and propagation of domains-walls in the FM [34,35]. Therefore, the introduction of nonmagnetic doping is bond to decrease SRI with H, equivalent to weakening the competition between AFM and FM exchange interactions at large JSG. The decrement of SRI makes larger magnetic field be required to realize the reversal of FM spins in the FM layer, as a result a larger HC emerges.

Fig. 4.   (a) Mnet@IF as a function of JSG in undoped and doped SG/FM bilayer. Insets show magnetic structures of SG@IF at selected JSG, where red (grey in black/white print) and blue (dark grey in black/white print) spheres represent SG spins pointing closely parallel and antiparallel to +x axis, respectively, and orange (light grey in black/white print) area indicates FM-like domains. SRI as a function of H in (b) undoped and (c) doped SG/FM bilayer with JSG = 4.55 and 5.85 erg/cm2.

4. Conclusion

In summary, we have demonstrated the influence of JSG on dynamic relaxation and EB in SG/FM bilayer. As expected, ZFC-FC curves display a complete transition, along with the irreversibility in ZFC-FC curves and the peak value in ZFC curves, probably signifying a formation of SG-like state. Additionally, typical temperatures (i.e. TC, Tg, TMAXZFC and <TB>) are all related to JSG, and their behaviors demonstrate the energy competition related to competing interactions. Furthermore, the dynamic relaxation in SG follows a power-law decay of M(t)=M0t-β, which indicates a distinct feature of the SG dynamics. Nonmonotonic JSG dependences of M0 and β are also observed due to distinct mechanisms at small and large JSG. Interestingly, the roles of JSG on HE and HC take effect in distinct ranges separated by JSG = 2.275 erg/cm2, whereas the doping may play a main role on weakening frustration and recovering HC from the induced minimum value by SG around JSG = 4.55 erg/cm2. In essence, the net magnetization, the spin textures and spin rotatability at the SG/FM interface are together responsible for EB. The physical mechanism at small JSG is related to the unidirectional magnetic stabilization and domain-wall pinning, while at large JSG the increase in spin rotatability plays a major role. The basic understanding of dynamic relaxation and EB phenomena by adjusting competing interactions will trigger a big step forward in SG-based magnetism.


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