Near-neutral pH corrosion of mill-scaled X-65 pipeline steel with paint primer
Shidong Wang, Lyndon Lamborn, Karina Chevil, Erwin Gamboa, Weixing Chen
Table 6 Possible electrode reactions and corresponding expressions for their equilibrium potential used in the currently investigation (pH = 6.29, [Fe2+] = 10-6 mol/l).
No. Electrode reaction Equilibrium potential equation E (V/SCE)
(8) Fe→Fe2++2e- EFe2+/Fe=-0.6527+0.0296log[Fe2+] -0.830
(9) γFeOOH+3H++e-→Fe2++2H2O EγFeOOH/ Fe2+=0.5136-0.0592log[Fe2+]-0.178pH -0.251
(10) αFeOOH+3H++e-→Fe2++2H2O EαFeOOH/ Fe2+=0.4597-0.0592log[Fe2+]-0.178pH -0.305
(11) Fe3O4+8H++2e-→3Fe2++4H2O EFe3O4/Fe2+=0.6364-0.0888log[Fe2+]-0.237pH -0.322
(12) 2H++2e-→H2 EH+/H2=-0.2438-0.0592pH -0.616