Methanogenic archaea and sulfate reducing bacteria induce severe corrosion of steel pipelines after hydrostatic testing
Enze Zhoua,b, Jianjun Wangb,a, Masoumeh Moradia,b, Huabing Lia,*(), Dake Xua,b,**(), Yuntian Louc, Jinheng Luod, Lifeng Lid, Yulei Wange, Zhenguo Yangf, Fuhui Wanga,b, Jessica A. Smithg


Fig. 10.. Relative distribution of (a) bacterial and (b) archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences at the genus level. LW1b represents microorganisms in biofilms attached to X52 steel coupon surfaces after exposure to LW without added culture media; LW2b represents microorganisms in biofilms attached to X52 steel coupon surfaces after exposure to LW with added 2216E culture media.